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News & Materials

YPS Approves Bylaws Changes Regarding Elections

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Your YPS Governing Council offers the following Bylaws changes in order to allow for graduating residents/fellows to run for YPS leadership, and to address instances when current leaders either need to vacate their position or "age out' from the YPS in the middle of their elected term.

Please note: We voted on these at our YPS Virtual Business Meeting as part of the OSMA Annual Meeting on 4/9/21.


C. Eligibility: (Deleting the following in blue)

If any officer or Governing Council member ceases to meet the membership requirements as defined in Chapter 1, Section 1-B, prior to the expiration of the term for which elected, the term of such officer or member shall terminate and the position shall be declared vacant. If any officer’s term would terminate prior to the conclusion of an Annual Meeting, such officer or member shall be permitted to serve in office until the conclusion of the Annual Meeting in the calendar year in which such officer or member ceases to meet the membership requirements of Bylaw Chapter 1, Section 1-B, as long as the officer or member remains an active physician member of the OSMA.

(Revising with the following in red)

  1. Persons may apply for an officer position, provided they meet the membership requirements as defined in Chapter 1, Section 1-B, or will meet those requirements by the conclusion of the upcoming Annual Meeting.

  2. If any officer or Governing Council member ceases to meet the membership requirements as defined in Chapter 1, Section 1-B, prior to the expiration of the term for which elected, the term of such officer or member shall terminate and the position shall be declared vacant.

a) If any officer’s term would end prior to the conclusion of an Annual Meeting, such officer or member shall be permitted to serve in office until the conclusion of the next Annual Meeting, as long as the officer or member remains an active physician member of the OSMA.

b) The Immediate Past Chair shall be permitted to serve as an ex officio officer until the completion of their term, as long as the officer or member remains an active physician member of the OSMA.


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